
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Brother and sister agrees to give birth

This na pinging age buhala??

A 25years old writer Samuel Leighton-Dore opens up about having a baby with his blood sister Bradley Tennant to keep the family's gene alive
Here is what he said :

"It's not too strange when you break it down. We'll be using IVF. It'll be my sister's egg and my partner's sperm with a third-party surrogate, preferably someone who already has a family of

their own. "It's the only way my partner and I can both have a biological connection to our future children. "It might sound vain to some people, but I think the desire to have a child with the person you love is pretty intrinsic and natural."

The couple aren't entering into the decision lightly. Samuel says a baby is still "a few years away" as the process is all very expensive, but he stresses that "it's definitely something you have to think about and plan ahead of time.

"I think she's excited about it. We've always been close so I think it means a lot to her that she's in a position to help Brad and I start a family one day."

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