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Sunday, November 4, 2018

Quit Your Relationship Now...

If you see these signs. 

Before a relationship experiences a nosedive, there are some pretty obvious pointers often overlooked. If you notice any of these signs, it's time to evaluate your
relationship and have a rethink. 

Here are some clues to know if your serious relationship might be on the brink of failure.

1. The family pulls the strings

If your significant other relies on the opinions of his or her family members and can't make sole decisions in matters that concern your relationship, you could be clinging to a bleak future.The worst-case scenario is if the family doesn’t like you. That sort of animosity does not easily disappear. If the family doesn’t want them to marry you, there’s a very good chance it’s not going to happen unless you’re willing to thrive in a hostile environment on a regular basis.

2. No communication

Communication is how often you talk, chat or see each other, and how well you both listen. 
It’s through communication that humans express their emotions.
Now, it has been made a lot easier with the advent of technological inventions and no excuse can suffice for lack of communication. Therefore couples should be able to talk things out irrespective of distance. When there's no communication, it's a sign that the relationship is failing.

3. You no longer feel that spark

You used to feel sparks and butterflies but you can’t remember the last time you were excited to see your significant other. You find yourself grateful when your partner is not around. You tell yourself that you just need some time on your own  to unwind. Every conversation sets your partner  off and becomes an excuse to fight and argue with each other. They used to be patient and understanding but not anymore. It's an indication to hit the door.

4. The future seems bleak 

A discussion about future plans is one way to know if your relationship is making headway. So when your partner avoids or frowns at the mention of future plans together, then it’s likely you are both not on the same page. Believe it or not, your relationship will remain stagnated. 

5. No respect 

When your partner makes decisions without considering your preferences or how it may affect you. If they ignores your calls, messages or abuses you verbally or otherwise, then you simply need to walk out of that relationship.
Respect is the bedrock of any relationship hence, is very vital. Your partner cannot claim to love you if they don't respect you. 

6. Doesn't support you 

A key component of a healthy relationship is the ability to be there in good and bad times. To be able to give and accept support. If your significant other disappears every time you have a problem or every time a challenge comes up, forget about the test of time, that relationship won't stand any test at all.

7. No Trust

Trust is also a very important aspect of any relationship. Couples should be able to trust and be trustworthy. When a partner doesn't trust you and questions your integrity at every opportunity, it's most likely that they are not trustworthy themselves. 

8. They don't show you off

This may seem pretty petty but when the person you’re seeing shies away from introducing you to family and friends, that's red flag. It shows they are not thinking of a future with you. 

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