A man named Marcus Hobbs has the biggest snake in the world ,Marcus who is 31 years old from Gloucestershire,
has the biggest snake in the world ,a Burmese Python that is 18 FT. According to Hobbs, he bought the snake 8 years ago from a pet shop and named it Hexxie.
"The neighbours around do bring her goats ,pigs, rabbits, chicken, small cow (calf), deer, ducks,Turkey's " Hobbs said. He said Hexxie the snake will never attack him but if someone who does not understand snakes handle it , it will probably squeeze and swallow the person ,Hobbs said the animal is expensive to take care of , and as such he does not play with the snakes when his kids are nearby. "We had to leave the down stair for Hexxie We have not had a problem. If you think Hexxie's going to get out, get into your house, get into your bedroom and eat you while you sleep, then I think your imagination's too strong. " if door is closed there's nowhere for her to go and she would not go upstairs. She just wouldn't. It would not be worth her while. She wouldn't need to, there's no reason. "If you knew anything about reptiles you would have a very different opinion. " I would not lock a dog in cage. A dog needs exercise, a dog needs companionship, a dog needs its brain to be worked. A snake's brain is not like that at all"
Hobbs said the animal has a simple brain and they don't like open places they like to curl under something or feel shy ., All they need is food ,heat and water he continued. "I paid £ 2,000 for the Vivarium, and £30 for each of the bulbs inside ,so that Hexxie can have enough heat . If he gets heat, water and food Hexxie is happy. " He usually asks farmers in Facebook if they have rabbits they want to waste for Hexxie's food
Hexxie lives with another snake who's name is Monty and the family Dog . I love snakes so much and I want to help people who are scared of snakes to understand that they are gentle creatures. "My kids are a little scared about Hexxie so I don't handle her when they are around, I only play with Hexxie when they are asleep or in another room , this is common sense , and I am a responsible part owner ";
That's great