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Wednesday, November 10, 2021

“Never Tell A Man His Gbola Is Weak” — Man Who Divorced 5 Wives Advises

Francis Van-Lare, a man who has been married and divorced five times, has given ladies reasons why they shouldn't tell a man that he is weak in bed out of spite.

Van-Lanre advised that telling men that sort of thing might make him engage in extra-marital affairs to test the strength of his ‘gbola’ in bed.

 The US-based Nigerian businessman took to his social media page to share his personal experience with a lady who is now one of his ex-wives.

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 Here is what he wrote on Facebook; 

“Sometimes negative things said about you is your tonic to get up and excel to prove them wrong. One lady I was once married to could not find anything her mouth could spit out to shake my confidence in the middle of a heated argument so she resulted to personal attacks.

“She said my gbola was weak and could not perform and all the orgasms she has been exhibiting were fake just to make me feel good. Instead of allowing that statement to dampen my spirit which was her intent, I called up a babe that has been chatting me up and I have not paid attention to her to meet me. My gbola and her kpekus connected wella and she had 9 orgasms that is not faked. So when the so called wife repeated the statement again I was grinning ear to ear as I have my independent tester to prove her wrong and in the meantime denied her my gbola. She can go and find her own Mandingo not me. Never tell a man that his gbola is weak or cannot perform to spite him. Another woman will give same gbola an Oscar performance.”

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